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Legaly responsible | Verantwortlich im Sinne des Telemediengesetzes und des Pressegesetzes:
Rainer Berndt, Wachsenburgweg 24, 99094 Erfurt-Hochheim / Germany
Email: email [at] meistern [dot] com [spam-protected spelling]
Fon: +49 (0) 172 3637022
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Many thanks to
- Predigergemeinde Erfurt (,
- Meister-Eckhart-Gesellschaft (,
- Gerhard Wehr (
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© Photo 'Slider No. 2 - Taraxacum': CC-BY-SA-2.5: Böhringer/Noheto, Taraxacum
© Photo 'Slider No. 3 - Paragliding': CC-BY-SA-2.5: Túrelio, Paragliding []
© Photo 'Wallpaper Taraxacum': CC-BY-SA-2.5: Böhringer/Noheto, Taraxacum
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© Photo 'Park': Bad Wörrishofen Park, Meister Eckhart Skulptur [CC BY SA 3.0],örishofen_Meister_Eckhart_(Skulptur)_2012.JPG
© Other photos: CC BY-SA 3.0: Rainer Berndt, Erfurt
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Die Texte mit Quellenangabe aus Wikipedia sowie die Texte von Rainer Berndt sind unter der Lizenz "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International" [CC BY SA 4.0;] genutzt und können entsprechend weiter verwendet werden.
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Music: Jack DeJohnette - Music in the Key of Om / Art by Tara Catalano
Copyright: YouTube Standard Licence (used under legitimation of ECJ C-348/13 resolution of 21 October 2014)
( aktuelles/EuGH_C_348_13_Framing.pdf).
Music: 'Illumination' | Peaceful Gregorian Chants
Source: / Copyright (CC BY): Dan Gibson, Solitude
'Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for purposes such as [...] teaching, scholarship, and research under the term "fair use" [...]. Non-profit, educational, and personal use also tips the balance in favor of fair use'.